Enterprise Expense Reporting
Today we'd like to announce
availability of a prototype version of our new Enterprise Expense Reporting
application right here on www.financialportrait.com!
The prototype, along with v1 of the product, will be accessible from almost any desktop or mobile device browser, so you won't need to install anything in order to take a peek or to enter an expense line item under a Demo User profile.
Enterprise-level requirements for the v1 runtime are (IBM's) Db2 for i database and (Microsoft's) IIS web server. The IIS web server configuration needed is basically stock, right out of the box, with the exception of a requirement that the Db2 for i .NET Provider be installed.
Please keep an eye out for the
official announcement for our new Enterprise Expense Reporting licensed product or let us know you want to be informed.
But the prototype is Here! It's ready! and you can see it on this site by clicking on the trumpets picture and then going to sign in using the Demo Credentials...
Actually now, in most cases we have it already signed in with Demo User 1 Credentials.
Please contact us with your questions, we are interested in getting beta site customers and finding evaluators. Tire Kickers wanted! Let us know your interest, we can give you credentials for trying out the prototype in the cloud (smartclient is not required for the EER application, any standard browser will work). Find defects, win golf balls!
ACH and Commercial Card Payments
As of v4 Build Set 9, released in 2018, Financial Portrait Accounts Payable features integrated and secure ACH and Commercial card payments with direct transmit from IBM i server to your bank. Millions of dollars of transactions already transmitted... For traditional paper checks, we have Positive Pay available for use with 4 different banks as a base package standard feature.
v4 Build Set 12
Enhancements with Build Set 12 General Ledger include new capabilities with JE split description handling in Work with Journal Entries and Recurring Entry Template Maintenance, ease of use improvements for estates and new and improved formats for the General Ledger and Trial Balance reports. Accounts Receivable now includes server side data layer logic for handling self-service contact entry and Point of Sale transactions via PayPal (with OO programming for the browser-side licensed separately).
New with Build Set 12 is an enhanced security model that allows separate and optional permissions for use by user profiles accessing from remote. Also brand new is offering of the Enterprise Expense Reporting data layer in v4 Release Level 50, for any clients on Financial Portrait Maintenance Plan. There is also an Item Master Maintenance data layer prototype available as an optional part of Build Set 12 (Release Level 49). The data layers are essentially the server side database components and SQL PL stored procedures. All database access and update from remote is accomplished through the SQL PL stored procedures.
Base Requirements
Financial Portrait G/L, A/P and A/R require
an IBM i on IBM® Power® server, locally or in the cloud. Please see our Cloud Trial Offer that
allows you to try out Financial Portrait on our IBM i server via
SSL over the internet using the fps smartclient 10.7 on a Windows desktop at your location.
**NEW** Create a Web User ID and provide us with your address and we'll send you a Windows 10 laptop with the smartclient already installed to use during your subscription!
Financial Portrait Software System™ is designed and built from the ground up to deliver the off-the-shelf flexibility and features you want without requiring behind-the-scenes customization or separation into islands of automation. Now with a new presentation layer version (the fps smartclient 10.7) for General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, please let us help you look at implementation challenges.